Google and Microsoft are ready again to fight it

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According to sources, Microsoft and Google’s six-year legal truce has come to an end. Microsoft and Google established an unusual truce in 2015, according to sources in The Financial Times and Bloomberg, which expired in April of this year.

Following the Scroogled event in 2012, in which Microsoft’s aggressive commercials treated Google like a political opponent, the two tech behemoths were publicly seen criticizing each other, thanks in large part to the truce arrangement.

The competition between the two has been abnormally calm over the last five years due to the formal truce. Microsoft remained noticeably silent throughout the US government’s antitrust complaint against Google last year, despite being the number two search engine at the time.

Microsoft and Google, on the other hand, appear to be getting ready to re-enter the fray.

Google chastised Microsoft for attempting to “disrupt the way the open web works” earlier this year when Microsoft publicly endorsed an Australian law requiring Google to pay news publishers for their material.

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, which would “enable news organizations to deal collectively with internet content providers,” has being pushed by Microsoft in Congress.

Google, on the other hand, assumed that its Google News Initiative, which tries to partner with the news industry, would be enough to help news organizations.

Microsoft also chastised Google’s dominance in the ad business, alleging that publishers are obliged to use Google’s technologies, which feed Google’s earnings.

The Microsoft-Google pact was designed to boost cooperation between the two businesses, according to The Financial Times, with Microsoft wanting to find a way to run Android apps on Windows. Microsoft has instead gone to Amazon to get Android apps operating on Windows 11.

There were some intense confrontations between Microsoft and Google prior to this accord, and they’re likely to explode again. During the peak of Windows Phone in 2013, there was a particularly intense dispute between Microsoft and Google over YouTube. Despite a pledge of cooperation between the two firms, Google has banned a YouTube app for Windows Phone built by Microsoft. A few months later, Microsoft was outselling anti-Google mugs and T-shirts and appearing anxious about Chromebooks.

A lot has changed for both Microsoft and Google since the days of Scroogled, including new leadership on both sides, but Google’s stinging attack on Microsoft earlier this year shows that these digital behemoths are ready to fight once more.

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